Google’s Pixel 6 and 6 Pro are official. A marked departure from last years’ mid-range hardware the new Pixels have top-notch specs focused on performance, smarts, and photography. Google unveiled on Tuesday night its redesigned Pixel smartphones, the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, which will be powered by Google Tensor, the company’s first-ever processor. Apart from a bunch of new camera and design features, the biggest software highlight is Android 12, the latest version of the operating system from Google. It starts with Google’s custom-developed Tensor chip. The 5 nanometer S.oC, has an octa-core processor with two whole Cortex-X1 powerful cores, the first phone with more than one. There are also two mid-level cores as well as four power-efficient ones. The custom image processor takes computational photography on the Pixel 6 phones to a new level. Both the new devices will ship with Android 12, which, according to the company, promises more smart and secure phones. The phones also come with speech recognition and language processing models that will allow users to get more tasks done on the phones using their voice. Customers seemed to have warmed up to the new phone’s debut. According to a Bloomberg report, customers attempting to buy the phones faced difficulties: Google’s website either crashed, was sluggish or provided error messages to many users. The problems lasted for roughly two hours, the report adds. before starting the video, if you are already a pixel fan, then hit that like & subscribe button to never miss an update. Here’s a look at some other key highlights and features on Google’s new flagship devices.


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